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Former-astronaut Jim Bagian keynote lecturer 2018 meeting

2024-07-03 06:52:26
Bagian Official NASA Photo Hi Res 1

Jim Bagian will be one of our keynotes. Jim Bagian is a former-astronaut: he logged 337 hours of space-flight, over two missions, STS-29 (in 1989) and STS-40 (in 1991). After leaving NASA in 1995, Bagian was elected as a member of both the National Academy of Engineering and of the Institute of Medicine. Bagian is currently the Director of the Center for Healthcare Engineering and Patient Safety at the University of Michigan. He will give a key note lecture about Patient Safety during the 12th annual meeting of the World Association of Eye Hospitals. So please save the dates for our 2018-meeting!

Want to know more: Programme 2018

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