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Charity Run on Orange Island

Participate in the Charity Run on Orange Island on Monday November 11 during the 18th Annual Meeting!

The Charity Run on Orange Island in Changsha, China, is a charity run that takes place on the iconic Orange Island (Juzi Island) in the Xiangjiang River. This event combines sports with charity and aims to raise money for various charities, connected to the AIER Eye Hospital Group.

This route offers beautiful views of the surrounding area, including the famous Mao Zedong statue. In addition to the athletic challenge and charity, the run also offers participants the opportunity to enjoy the natural beauty and cultural attractions of Orange Island.

In addition to running, walking is also allowed, making the event accessible to all. Participation costs 25 euros per person, and proceeds go to various charities associated with the AIER Eye Hospital Group

Interested in participating?

Would you like to participate in the Charity Run on Orange Island during the 18th Annual WAEH Meeting on Monday November 11?

Indicate it in the registration form