The 19th annual meeting of the WAEH is approaching! From October the 7 till October the 11 we will visit the Fondation Asile des Aveugles in Lausanne, Switzerland, the Hôpital National des 15-20, and the Hôpital Fondation Adolphe de Rothschild in Paris, France. You do not want to miss this exciting meeting!
We will be talking about:
- Innovations in Ophthalmology: 3D surgeries, foldable OR’s
- AI and Data in Eye Health
- Low Vision Care – Embedded or Not? + Low Vision Research
- Workforce Development in Ophthalmology / HR
- The Future of Design of Eye Hospitals
- Quality of Care / Clinical Best Practices
- Patient Education / Involvement / Experience
Meet & network with our global network of eyehospitals and exchange knowledge and experience!
Start to send in the abstracts (summaries!) of your presentations now!