WAEH Newsletter 🌍
WAEH 18th Annual Meeting
Call for Abstracts open now!
The 18th annual meeting of the WAEH is getting closer and closer! From November 7 to 12, we will visit AIER Eye Hospital in Changsha and Shanghai Eye and ENT Hospital in Shanghai, China. Don’t miss this exciting event!
Topics that we will talk about during the 18th Annual Meeting?
- Shaping the Future: AI in Ophthalmology
- Shaping the Future: Innovation in Ophthalmology (including cutting-edge research)
- Preparing for the Future: Ophthalmology Talent Development
- Saving the Future: Sustainable Development of Eye Hospitals
- Securing the Future: Medical Quality Management in Eye Hospitals
- Who are the Future? Our Patients: Patient Education
Interested in joining or want to know more about the annual meeting? Check out the event website!
WAEH 18th Annual Meeting
Thursday November 7
- Arrival Changsha, China
Friday November 8
- Location: AIER Eye Hospital, Changsha
- Board meeting WAEH – 09.00 – 12.00 AM
- Visit Aier Eye Hospital Group: visit the labs, museums, check out the waiting rooms etc – 12.00 – 15.00 PM
- Member Meeting 15.30 – 17.00 PM
- Welcoming dinner – 18.00 – 20.00 PM
Saturday November 9
- Location: AIER Eye Hospital, Changsha
- WAEH Annual meeting Day II and exhibition from 09.00 AM – 18.00 PM
- Annual Meeting with presentations at AIER Eye Hospital
- Dinner Changsha Style (organized but pay while registering 35 euro)
Sunday November 10
- Location: AIER Eye Hospital, Changsha
- Annual Meeting with presentations at AIER Eye Hospital
- Evening – Dinner
Monday November 11
- Charity Run on Orange Island – See large Mao stature
- Afternoon – Take bullet train to Shanghai or fly to Shanghai
Tuesday November 12
- Visit Eye & Ent Hospital Shanghai (organized)
Wednesday November 13
After the annual meeting, after the visit in Shanghai, you can also visit the other members in China.
- Tianjin Medical University Eye Hospital, Tianjin
- The Beijing TONGREN Hospital, Beijing
- The Xi’an Eye Hospital, Xi’an
- Shenyang He Eye Specialist Hospital, Shenyang
- ZOC Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou
- Eye Hospital, Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou
Interested? Please indicate in the registration form which members you want to visit
Is your eyehospital a full member? Two attendees are included in the membership.
Is your eyehospital an associate member? One attendee is included in the membership.
Request the code to register for free via Maaike: Maaike.vanzuilen@waeh.org
Please note that all membership fees have to be paid before registering with this code.
WAEH 18th Annual Meeting
Changsha – JW Marriott
Dates: 7 – 11 November (departure and arrival)
To make reservations: JW Marriott Hotel Changsha for 815 CNY – 1,072 CNY per night
Book your hotel room with the special WAEH rate for the 18th WAEH Annual Meeting-2024-Changsha
EUR: between €104,83 – €137,88 per night
USD: between $112,16 – $147,53 per night
GBP: between £88,44 – £116,33 per night
AUD: between A$167,76 – A$220,67 per night
Shanghai – InterContinental Shanghai Ruijin
Dates: 11 November – 12 November (or longer as you wish)
To make reservations: go to booking.com
Tips for travelling
- Bring some cash money
- Get your VISA before you enter China
- Buy a VPN before you arrive in China
- Print your hotel confirmation in Chinese!
- Try to learn some simple Chinese phrases before traveling
- Be prepared for squat toilets and bring a pack of tissues or toilet paper everywhere!
Present a poster during the 18th Annual Meeting!
All WAEH members are invited to develop a poster with the following 1, 2 and 3 items, with the main focus on 1:
- New developments of last year
- Plans for 2024 – 2025?
- Short overview of the facts of your hospital
Timeline: all posters have to be digitally send to Maaike van Zuilen before November 1, 2024.
- You can send your poster via e-mail to maaike.vanzuilen@waeh.org
- Please note that the poster can be used for communications and marketing of the WAEH. If you do not agree, please state that when submitting your digital poster.
You can find more information about the poster here!
5 things to do in Changsha
View the whole Changsha city
Take a Leisure Stroll Or check out the island while the charity run!
A well-preserved ancient street
Changsha is a national famous food city
A tower in the ancient city of Changsha
5 things to do in Shanghai
Breathtaking Buddhist monastery
For panoramic photographs
A sublime shopping experience
A scenic snapshot of Old Shanghai
Abundant with artefacts
Monday November 11 – 18th Annual WAEH Meeting
Participate in the Charity Run on Orange Island!
The Charity Run of the 18th annual meeting takes place on the iconic Orange Island (Juzi Island) in the Xiangjiang River. This event combines sports with charity and aims to raise money for a charity (later to be announced).
The route offers beautiful views of the surrounding area, including the famous Mao Zedong statue. In addition to the athletic challenge and charity, the morning run also offers participants the opportunity to enjoy the natural beauty and cultural attractions of Orange Island.
In addition to running, walking is also allowed, making the event accessible to all. Participation costs 25 euros per person.
Interested in participating?
Would you like to participate in the Charity Run on Orange Island during the 18th Annual WAEH Meeting on Monday November 11? Indicate it in the registration form!
Community of Practice for Nurses and Allied Health Personnel
The Community of Practice for Nurses and Allied Health Personnel is for all nurses and allied health staff working in eye hospitals worldwide! This is a three monthly meetup via zoom of one hour in which we share ideas. This group is led by Tendai Gwenhure from Moorfields, United Kingdom, and Diana Malata from the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, Ireland. Register here!
Upcoming meetings:
- Opthalmic nurse education / professional development – Friday 6 Sept, 01.00 pm CEST
- During the 18th Annual Meeting (7 November – 12 November, 2024): in person meeting of the CoP Nurses and Allied Health
- Clinical / specialist role – Thursday 12 Dec, 01.00 pm CET
Moorfields Eye Hospital,
United Kingdom
Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital,
Community of Practice Human Resources
The Human Resources Community of practice takes place once every three months. This group meets to discuss topics such as Handholding – From Volunteer to Career, Employment model(s) in ophthalmology, Task differentiation and Burn out prevention. The group will share best practices and learn from each other. This group is led by Jos Hubers from The Rotterdam Eye Hospital, The Netherlands, and Angela Smith from the Moorfields Eye Hospital, United Kingdom. We will meet via Zoom every three months. Want to join? Register here!
Upcoming meetings:
- Protecting employees against non-preferred behaviour from patients and colleagues – Thursday 5 Sept, 01.00 pm CEST
- During the 18th Annual Meeting (7 November – 12 November, 2024): in person meeting of the CoP HR
- Task delegation and creating development/career options – Thursday 5 Dec, 01.00 pm CET
The Rotterdam Eye hospital,
The Netherlands
Moorfields Eye Hospital,
United Kingdom
Moorfields Eye Hospital
Biomarkers reveal how patients with glaucoma may respond to treatment
Markers in the blood that predict whether glaucoma patients are at higher risk of continued loss of vision following conventional treatment have been identified by researchers at Moorfields Eye Hospital and UCL.
Over 700,000 people in the UK have glaucoma and it is the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. The main risk factors for glaucoma are high eye pressure and older age. Currently, all licenced treatments are designed to lower pressure in the eye. However, some patients still continue to lose their sight following this treatment.
To help doctors better understand who will lose their vision faster, this new study, published in Nature Medicine, asked whether mitochondrial function is lower in people with glaucoma than those without glaucoma, and if mitochondrial function is associated with the rate at which glaucoma patients lose vision.
Read the whole article here.
Wilmer Eye Institute Johns Hopkins Medicine
Wilmer Summer Magazine
Wilmer’s summer magazine is now available, and they are excited to share it with the WAEH audience! This summer issue is packed with engaging articles and valuable information specifically focused on eye health and care.
This issue includes:
A Cause for Celebration: Wilmer’s team takes an approach to neuro-ophthalmology, providing in unparalleled patient care.
Building Careers Together: Wilmer talks about how the tradition of excellence and mentorship is maintained through professorships.
Stem Cell Solutions for Corneal Transplants: Amer Riazuddin’s research is at the forefront of regenerative medicine. He is focused on developing stem cell solutions to improve outcomes for people around the world who need these transplants.
On a Mission: A Team Approach for Pediatric Patients: Taking quick action was crucial to preserve the sight of Bernie Cowell Murray, who was diagnosed with congenital glaucoma just days after her birth.
Find the Wilmer Summer Magazine here!
Southern University College, Malaysia
Request for Participation in Market Survey for Visual Impairment Products: ObstaSense
Engineering students from Southern University College are excited to share a groundbreaking project that they are working on, which involves developing a wearable device designed to enhance the mobility and independence of visually impaired individuals. This innovative device, worn on the head, aims to allow users to move freely and confidently without needing assistance from others.
To ensure their device meets the needs and expectations of the visually impaired community, they are conducting a market survey. Your feedback is invaluable in helping them to understand the challenges and requirements of potential users.
Please take a few minutes to complete their survey by clicking here or scan the QR code:
23 July – 26 July
Aravind Eye Care System: Eyexcel Global
5 Sept, 01.00 pm CEST
Community of Practice Human Resources: Protecting employees against non-preferred behaviour from patients and colleagues
6 Sept, 01.00 pm CEST
Community of Practice for Nurses: Opthalmic nurse education/ professional development
15 Sept
Workshop by Moorfields Education: Implementing a non-medical intravitreal injection service
19 Sept, 12.00noon CEST
WAEH Board Meeting: want to share ideas with the board? Please send them to Maaike: maaike.vanzuilen@waeh.org
21 Sept, 8:00am to 4:30pm, Singapore time
Singapore National Eye Centre: Inaugural Conference on Ophthalmic Nursing: Recognizing Excellence and Innovation
5 Oct
Workshop by Moorfields Education: Basic slit lamp and Goldmann Tonometry study day
10 Oct
World Sight Day 2024
11 Oct
Workshop by Moorfields Education: DMEK wet lab
7 – 12 Nov
WAEH 18th Annual Meeting – China
15 Nov
Workshop by Moorfields Education: Implementing a non-medical intravitreal injection service
5 Dec, 01.00 pm CET
Community of Practice Human Resources: Task delegation and creating development/career options
12 Dec, 01.00 pm CET
Community of Practice for Nurses:Clinical / specialist role
19 Dec, 12.00noon CET
WAEH Board Meeting: want to share ideas with the board? Please send them to Maaike: maaike.vanzuilen@waeh.org
Questions? Share news?
Do you have a special request? Would you like to organize a webinar or share news? Would you like to be (digitally) connected to a certain person in one of our member eye hospitals? Please feel very welcome to hare your questions via the new Community Tool or contact Maaike van Zuilen: Maaike.vanzuilen@waeh.org