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19th Annual WAEH Meeting

Send in your abstract!

The 19th Annual Meeting of the WAEH is approaching! From October the 7 till October the 11 we will visit the Hôpital ophtalmique Jules-Gonin Fondation Asile des aveugles in Lausanne, Switzerland, the Hôpital National des 15-20, and the Hôpital Fondation Adolphe de Rothschild in Paris, France. You do not want to miss this exciting meeting!  

We will be talking about:

  • Low Vision Care – In or out of scope for Eye Hospitals? Best practices and Research opportunities.
  • Innovations in Ophthalmology and Hospital Design – From 3D surgeries, foldable operating rooms to technological advancements and innovative infrastructure to improve efficiency and patient care.
  • AI and Data in Eye Health – The impact of the use of AI in diagnostics, patient monitoring, and surgical decision-making as well as interactions with Hospital EMRs.
  • Workforce development and leadership in ophthalmology – Retaining and developing a highly skilled workforce is essential for quality and innovation. CoP HR / CoP nurses: leadership development education etc..
  • Quality and patient-centered-care
  • The need for green environmental circularity in eye care – From circular processes and waste management to sustainable solutions in eye (cataract) surgery.

Meet & network with our global network of eyehospitals and exchange knowledge and experience! 

Start to send in the abstracts (summaries!) of your presentations now!